The initial mystery is quite easy to work out, but like all good books, there is a another problem that our hero, The Detective, must face, another mystery he has to solve that, actually, is creepier than the one he was called out to solve initially. However, I'll warn you now that this isn't necessarily a mystery book, it's more of a thriller that has the ability to keep you on the edge of your seat, and I thought that the romance in the book kept me reading as much as the crimes did. Without giving anything away, that's all I can tell you about the plot.

This, however, leads to the further matter that someone is killing The Seven off, one by one, and it is The Detective's job to work out who that is. The chancellor, however, orders one of The Seven (the beautiful Ice Queen, otherwise known as Gabby) to collect him from prison to solve the mystery of another member of The Seven' s murder. At some point, The Detective is captured by the US and thrown into some kind of torture prison known as The Hole for crimes against the state.

One of the main forces in helping Canada is a man known only as The Detective. Inevitably, those with super powers won the war and so the leader of The Seven, Agent America, declared himself Chancellor and turned the new capital, Metro City, and the rest of America into a place very similar to that of East Germany during the communist regime.Ĭanada was targeted by America to be invaded, but, with the help of their supers, Canada managed to stay separate. Eventually, a masked band of heroes, called The Seven, revealed their identities and declared war on their country, urging all supers to rally to their sides. This, obviously, led to those with quite impressive powers being thrown into prison whether they were considered dangerous or not.

Eventually, normal people in America became scared of these people with super powers as they started to rise up, some as costumed heroes and some as mastermind villains, and so the government made it law that all individuals with powers had to register them. After a mysterious virus took hold of the planet and affected almost everyone, a small minority of those affected either died or gained special abilities as either a direct result of the virus or as a result of being born to someone who had the virus but may not necessarily have received powers from it. This was was between 'supers' and 'normals'. The book is set in the US ruled by a tyrannical chancellor who gained power after a war. I received this book in return for an honest review via Goodreads